Rat NKR-P1B (PVG)SKU: P-262

General description: 

Rat anti-rat NKR-P1B (PVG allele) monoclonal antibody (Clone STOK27).

Applications: Flow cytometry, Immunoprecipitation

Isotype: Rat IgG2a

Rat NKR-P1B (previously called NKR-P1C) is an inhibitory receptor expressed on the non-alloreactive population of NK cells from spleen (50-70% of the NK cells), and the receptor ligand is the C-type lectin-like related molecule 11 (Clr11) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19130483). The STOK27 clone stains NKR-P1B in high alloresponder strains such as PVG, WAG, and AO, but not DA, BN, LEW, or F344. This is due to allelic differences between the strains which affect the antibody binding site.

The anti-rat NKR-P1B(PVG) can also be used to define a population of finally differentiated NK cells in blood and liver (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22308308).

UniProt code: 


About the scientist

Lise Kveberg

Post doctoral fellow

The NK research group (NKRG) focuses on the biology and recognition mechanisms of Natural Killer (NK) cells, which constitute an important part of our innate immune defense against neoplastic and virally infected cells, and react with normal allogeneic cells. One main focus is on the characterization of several families of lectin-like receptors on NK cells and their roles in immune responses against diseased cells.

Group leader: John T. Vaage, Department head, Professor

